
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

S.L.J Being Brave

Talofa Readers, 

Today I will be going to tell you about a time when one of my friends was brave. By the way this is another summer learning journey activity. So what the activity was to think about at time when I was brave or when one of my friends or family and discribe it. Any way here here is my work.

So my time when I was brave was when I was at my year six graduation and one of my friends christina went up to say here speech infront of 100 people and she started to cry then I went up and huged her and said "you should ask your cousin to come up with you and she did. She was really brave because while she was saying here speech she was still crying and she did it any way.

Thanks for reading my post. Have a good holiday byee

S.L.J My Space Peom

Aloha Everyone, Welcome to my blog,

Today I will be going to be doing another summer learning journey activity. So what we had to do for this activity was we had to make a poem of me setting foot on the moon so what I did was I go one of my best friends to come help me which was Susie if you want to see more about her cheek out some of my other post there is a link to here blog. Any way so what we did was made a google drawing then we just wrote our poem. Know I am going to show you my work I hop eyou like it here it is...

Thank you so much for reading. If you are wondering who the man was it was Neil Armstrong here is a link all about him. Comment if you alreading know a fact about him. Any way have an awesone holiday and a great day byee

S.L.J Culture

Hello bloggers,

In this blog I will be going to be doing another summer learning journey. This times activity is when we had to explain or talk about your culture. Any way I hope you like  my work here it is...

Thanks for reading my blog. I hope your days goes amazing. Comment if you have been to the cook island before. Any way byee

Monday, December 16, 2019

S.L.J Big Buddy

Kia orana Readers,

Today I am going to be doing another summer learning journey post. Any way what we had to do was we had to think of a charity and exaplan it. The charity that I picked was big buddy. So I hope you enjoy here is my work...

You might be thinking what does big buudy do? While they if a little kid doesn't have a father figure around like if they were in prison they would get some one called a mentor to take the kid to go out like to mega air, inflatable world and much more fun places.

You are probably think "So it's a stranger taking some random kid out to some fun place" It's not like that so first what the do is a person who works for big buddy will come to your house and interview you so they can make sure that the metor they give likes the some things as you. Then once they find the perfect mentor the bring them to met you and if you like them you can set up everything.

The reason why I pick this is because I was involed with this and I think it would be cool to show the amazing charity. It is really cool because and the end of the year you have a graduation with your mentor.  

Thanks for reading my post. I hope you enjoyed my blog post I hope you liked it and comment if you have heard of big buddy. Any way I hope you have an amazing holiday and a merry christmas.

S.L.J Exploring

Kia ora everyone,

Today I will be going to be doing the first Summer Learning Journey blog post of this year. What we had to do for today's blog is we have to name some food that we would take if Nainoa Thompson ask me to come with on a canoe for three weeks at sea. If you are wondering who is Nainoa Thompson here is a link of him. Me and my friends susie did this together here is a link to her blog

Any way here is the food that I would take...
by the way I have to name 10 foods

Food 1: Water        

The reason I wanted to bring some water was so I didn't have to drink sea water

Food 2: Fruit              
 I wanted fruit because in some fruit they have juice

Food 3: Chips      
I wanted chips so I can eat them when I am kinda hungry and can't eat a whole meal 

Food 4: Lollies 
The reason that I want to bring lollies is so I can keep my going with energy 

Food 5: Sushi 

I want sushi because it doesn't need to be heated up and it is yum

Food 6: Nutella sandwich

Why I want this is so I can have something for breakfast

Food 7: Brownies 
I wanted brownies so I can eat something to eat for desert 

Food 8: Protein bars
 I want this so I can have some protein while I am on this journey

Food 9: Pizza               Because you can eat it hot or cold

Food/thingy 10: Cooler
So I can keep my fruit cold

Thank you so much for reading this post. I hope you like it and enjoyed. If you didn't know anything about what I was talking about in the start just click on the link. Any way I hope the rest of you day goes amazing, Chao (bye)